Paul Brazier, Chairman and Chief Executive of the UK's number one ad agency AMV BBDO spoke to me this week about client relationships and the 10 essential secrets of creating unforgettable ad campaigns like the Guinness surfers and Adidas Kings. Follow Paul on Twitter to find out more about working in this exciting field.
Paul argues that TV advertising is still the best way to reach the masses, and at the same time connect with the audience on an emotional level. So how do you go about working as a filmmaker within the advertising industry? Here are his Advertising Top Tips:
1. Strategy
Make sure that your strategy is clear and your clients can understand what it is you are pitching. But remember, it's important to inject your own creativity and voice as a filmmaker into your strategy too.
2. Storytelling
Your advert should tell a story- people are programmed to respond to a story in a very visual way. You want to be entertaining and remembered!
3. Your Audience
Avoid holding up a mirror to your target audience and their lives. It's better to start in an unexpected place and make it interesting and different i.e. with Guinness adverts in the past we rarely start with men in a pub. Watch our famous Guinness Surfer advert to show you what is possible when you think outside the box!
4. Your Hero
Be careful when choosing who is telling your story. Your hero should have a strong sense of character and lead the narrative. Again, think outside the box!
5. Question Everything
Draw your client into your vision and keep an open mind with everything you write.
6. Be true to your brand
Listen to the client, work out what they are asking for and create a concept around that. Then you can ask yourself "How is the story involved with the product?"
7. Turn a disadvantage into an advantage
Work out if there is anything that discourages customers from buying the product and start there. When working with Guinness, we realised that the length of time it takes for the drink to settle was something that the clients wanted to tackle. We introduced adverts around the tagline "Good things come to those who wait." See our Guinness Rhythm of Life - Evolution advert as an example.
8. Push the idea
It's great when you have an innovative creative vision that you think will capture the audience's imagination. The famous Cadbury's Gorilla advert is a perfect example! Push an idea you believe in, and show people why you think it will work.
9. Craft
Make sure everything is crafted to a high standard. It's a good habit to get into if you start to take pride in your work- anything that has your name on it will represent you your whole career!
10. Never let the viewer see your hard work!
Your finished product should look fun, beautiful and effortless.